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Grade point in a sentence

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Sentence count:30Posted:2019-01-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: grade point averagetrade policyoff the pointto the pointblue pointchokepointcurie pointneedlepointMeaning: n. a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course. 
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1 The law school required a minimum grade point average of 2.6 .
2 portfolio scores, standardized test scores, grade point averages, etcetera).
3 The average high school grade point average is 3.09 for girls and 2.86 for boys.
4 When the tests were answered honestly, both of them predicted the participants' final school exam performance (their "grade point average") and their self-reported creative achievements.
5 I study hard, so my grade point average remains to be the highest in my class.
6 Unfortunately, her test scores and grade point average placed her in the middle of our pool.
7 Applicants must hold a grade point average of 80 or higher on a100-point scale. Winners will be announced in May 2010.
8 The high school grade point average of the Class of 2013 is 3.86.
9 Examples include student ID, the grade point average (GPA), the student's major, his or her school, and so on.
10 I was carrying a 4.0 14)grade point average in my master's program, and expected to earn an A in this course, too.
11 Women have slightly higher grade point averages than men in every major, including science and math.
12 And the grade point calculator can guarantee the expansion of good performance.
13 Despite this tragedy, she graduated with the second highest grade point average in her high school.
14 One way to stanch inflation is to change the way the grade point average is calculated.
15 The only problem is, I've heard that the company won't even interview anyone whose grade point average is below 3.7, and mine is barely 3.0.
16 If you spend all your time studying, youwould obtain a 4.0 (perfect) grade point average (GPA).
17 A communications major, he said he carries about a 3.0 grade point average.
18 One day next month every student at Loyola Law School Los Angeles will awake to a higher grade point average.
19 This car cost me $4, 000,[] I had worked full-time for the remainder of my freshman year (while maintaining a 4.0 grade point average ) in order to purchase this car and afford my very pricey insurance...
20 In early 2008, a final exam to participate in Shunde District, second in the overall grade point average the region.
21 The Ohio report shows that students who used Facebook had a "significantly" lower grade point average - the marking system used in US universities - than those who did not use the site.
22 The researchers also looked at first- and second-year student's grade point averages, and overall evaluations of dissertations made by independent, outside raters.
23 For example, trouble opinion install interference, operation step record, grade point and so on.
24 This paper introduces the invite bidding of medical equipment, emphasizes the practice process, grade point standard and the work discipline of the syndic.
25 The company will determine how much a student would need to wager to win that $50, based on factors such as the student's grade point average, schedule and difficulty of the class.
26 Their daughter, Rachel, is a sophomore in college with a 4.0 grade point average.
27 And fAn F is a failing grade worth 0 toward a student's grade point average.
28 "It predicts how long you'll live, whether you'll stay married, your grade point average, " Duckworth noted.
29 Biology, physics, and chemistry have ruined many freshmen s grade point averages.
30 LL: Yes, with full ride scholarships, the student is usually required to maintain a high grade point average, like 3.5 or above.
More similar words: grade point averagetrade policyoff the pointto the pointblue pointchokepointcurie pointneedlepointon the point ofat the point ofto the point ofextreme pointcome to the pointvantage pointbalance pointpressure pointkeep to the pointbeside the pointpoint-to-pointreference pointpoint of departureequivalence pointintergradecome straight to the pointpointpointspointygradepesticide poisoningpoint to
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